February 1, 1889
Gunning Accident
(Special to the Evening Mercury)
Shoal Harbor, Feb. 1
A serious shooting accident occurred here on Tuesday last. Three men from South West Arm, Random Sound, went in the country deer hunting. They surrounded a company of deer on Triangular Plain, one of the men named Reuben Martin altering his position, unknowingly got in lline with his opposite comrade’s gun. As the deer passed between them, said comrade fired, missed deer, and the bullet struck Martin, passing through the flesh of one thigh, grazing his bone, and inflicting a severe gash in the other, but did not lodge there. Martin ran about a hundred yards and fell fainting. He shortly recovered, and was brought home, a distance of forty miles, and is now doing well.
We had a hard snap of frost last night. There is no water to be seen. The people are busy cutting logs for mills.
Transcribed by Wanda Garrett, December 2024
These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material.