The Evening Telegram, 1957

December 18, 1957

Random South – Hodge’s Cove

HODGE’S COVE – Branwell Smith, Eliol Drover and Lester Stringer who were employed at Deer Lake during the summer have now terminated their work and have returned to their home.

Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Barfett who were at St. John’s recently on business, have now returned home.

Gerald Peddle, Kenneth Churchill and Bert Peddle who were working at St. John’s have now returned home for the winter months.

Aubrey Curtis who is employed at Bell Island was in Hodge’s Cove over the weekend to attend the funeral of his brother.

Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Peddle of Port Blandford were visitors in Hodge’s Cove on Sunday past, and were guests of Mrs. Peddle’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Peddle.

Private Leander Drover of the Queen’s Rifles of Canada arrived home Dec. 9 on furlough, and is spending his leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eliol Drover. Leander has been with the army for the past six months and says he likes army life: on his way home, he paid a visit to his sister Doreen (Mrs. Lorne Kirby) at Stephenville.

Chesley Drover and Jacob Smith who were engaged in construction work at Bell Island for several months, have now returned to their home here.


December 18, 1957


QUEEN’S COVE – The many friends of John Higgins were shocked to hear of his sudden passing which occurred on Dec 7 at Queen’s Cove. The late John Higgins was born at Hodge’s Cove 83 years ago, and for many years resided at Queen’s Cove. His remains were taken from the home of George Butt with whom he resided and conveyed by motor hearse to St. Mary’s Anglican Church at Hodge’s Cove. Funeral services were conducted by N. Spurrell and interment was at St. Mary’s Anglican Cemetery.



December 18, 1957

Seal Campaign Has Good Start

HODGE’S COVE – The T.B. Christmas Seal campaign got underway to a good start at Hodge’s Cove, and while the exact amount collected is not known, it is believed that proceeds will exceed that collected last year. The campaign was under the direction of Mrs. Harvey Peddle.


December 18, 1957

Planning Form PC Random Branch

LONG BEACH – Prominent citizens of Long Beach, Hodge’s Cove, Caplin Cove and Heart’s Ease are now making plans for the formation of a Progressive Conservative Party branch to be known as the P.C. Random Branch. The meeting is scheduled to take place within the next couple of weeks at Hodge’s Cove.




December 18, 1957


HODGE’S COVE – The many friends of Archibald David Curtis were sorry to learn of his passing Dec. 2 at his home, Hodge’s Cove. The deceased was in his 31st year. He is survived by his wife Virtue (nee Smith), two sons, mother, father, one brother and two sisters.

In the absence of the clergy the funeral services were conducted by the layman from Butter Cove, Alexander Spurrell, and interment was in the Anglican Cemetery at Hodge’s Cove.

(Note: Archibald’s wife was incorrectly identified as Virtue. His wife was Gertrude.)


December 18, 1957

Fishermen of Southport, on the tip of Random South, Trinity Bay, often catch bigger fish than they want. Here a hefty shark is boated after being brought into a wharf at Southport. Fishermen in settlements like Little Heart’s Ease, St. Jones Within and Hodge’s Cove are trawl men mainly, setting out there tows in Random Sound.             (Telegram Photo)





December 18, 1957

Hodge’s Cove Co-op Formed 20 Years Ago

[Imagine is very hard to read]

HODGE’S COVE – It was twenty years ago this month the first Co-operative Society was formed at Hodge’s Cove, Random South. In December 1937, the dozen or more men under the leadership of Sam Drover met with the hope of finding a way to better conditions in this community. Mr. Drover had just completed a course in co-operatives which was held that year at the Memorial University, St. John’s. …this work he was assisted by Messrs. Macherine (MacEachern?) and Carne(?) who journeyed to Hodge’s Cove to attend the […] meeting which was called.

During the thirties times were not too prosperous and members could […] with which to pay membership dues. After one year of […] the members cut firewood which was sent to Conception Bay towns and sold and the money turned over to the Credit Union and divided into shares for the members.

Soon afterwards the first Co-op store was opened which supplied some of the needs of the members and from then onward it made satisfactory progress.

The co-operative organization today prides itself as a big modern store equipped with […]


Transcribed by Maria Drover. Page created September 2024

These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material.