Parish of the Holy Spirit Unit III Recognizes their Licensed Lay ministers & Eucharistic Assistants for their many years of Service
by Sarah A. Sharpe
Reprinted from Anglican Life, April 2012
The Parish of the Holy Spirit Unit III is comprised of five churches in Southwest Arm and include St. Alban the Martyr, Gooseberry Cove; St. Mary the Virgin, Hodges Cove; St. Mark’s, Long Beach; St. Stephens, Hatchet Cove; and St. Michael & All Angels at Hillview, and are all covered by the Rector, The Reverend Jessie Broaders.
Once a month parishioners gather together in one of the five community churches. A service such as this affords the opportunity to come together in prayer and worship and share a meal and some fellowship.
The first Unit Service for 2012 on January 29, 2012 was surprisingly different because following the gospel and sermon, The Reverend Jessie Broaders spoke at some length about evil and the affect it can have on those working in ministry. She talked about commitment to God and how believers turn to Him in times of crisis. She spoke of the strength and commitment in Jesus that the laity from the Unit has shown. She praised them for their dedication to their church and community. To quote the Rector, “They do it because they respect and love God and wish only his blessings in return.”
The Rev’d Broaders then called each person forward and presented them with a Certificate of Appreciation for their many years of committed service. After receiving their certificate each individual was asked to say a few words about why they were involved. Their responses were different, yet very similar. Some were involved because they wanted to be, and others because of family expectations, still others because the rector at the time had approached them. However, regardless of their reasons, they were all involved in ministry to ensure the Word of God was heard in the absence of the clergy. The volunteer Licensed Lay Ministers and Eucharistic Assistants are committed to ensuring God’s work in their community is always done.
The following laity received recognition: Mr. Andrew Peddle LLM/EA in 1964 at St. Alban’s Church, Gooseberry Cove. The following were Licensed at St. Mary the Virgin, Hodges Cove and those include: Mr. James Peddle, LLM/EA in 1972; Mr. Harvey Drover LLM/EA 1982; Mr. Albert Drover, LM 1984/EA 1994. Our newest member is Pauline Lambert LLM/EA in 2009 at Hatchet Cove. The two Eucharistic Assistants include Mrs. Laura Drover and Mrs. Joan Peddle who were both licensed on 27 May 2007.
The Reverend Jessie Broaders and the entire congregation of Unit III wish to these faithful Lay Ministers continued success in their ministry. The Parish is truly blessed to have each person involved in their Churches.
Transcribed by Wanda Garrett, April 2015
These transcriptions may contain human errors. As always, confirm these as you would any other source material.